Posoljeni Zrak I Razlivena Tinta by Gibonni Guitar Chords

p strongPosoljeni Zrak I Razlivena Tinta/strong in guitar acoustic version maybe one of the best song you liked. Not only enjoying the music but you can play Posoljeni Zrak I Razlivena Tinta by Gibonni using guitar too. Yes .. this song by may also be played by that device. But, first thing, you must know its guitar chords. /p p Whether you are searching for emPosoljeni Zrak I Razlivena Tinta guitar chords/em, you already visit to the right website. /p p Yups, guitar is hard to study in the beginning, but gets easier the longer you stick with it. The more you proceeding, the easier guitar will feel to play the music. /p p Posoljeni Zrak I Razlivena Tinta guitar chords has rhythm and included in Judi, Zviri I Bestimje (1999) album. /p h3Posoljeni Zrak I Razlivena Tinta by Gibonni Guitar Chords/h3 [F#m]Ponekad sam pijan do [D]uha nasmijanbr[F#m]dusa mi je [E]otvorena kn[F#m]jigabrI moje nebo sad je, p[D]osoljeni zrak,br[F#m]a moje more [E]razlivena t[F#m]inta,brkome [D]biti zahvalan[E] zivote m[F#m]ojbrbrKrenem obalom ko[D]ju dobro znambrsamo [F#m]par minuta [E]pjesice od [F#m]lukebrgdje se djeca igraju, pred [D]nama skrivaju,br[F#m]kriju iglom i[E]zbodene [F#m]ruke...brbrH-mol C#brPa opsujem da nemogu prostijebrma da [F#m]odavno sam[E] pobjego iz [F#m]geta,brH-mol C#bri mjesec iznad nas ima okus hostije,bra [F#m]cesta miris[E] izgubljenog [F#m]svijetabrbrI moje [D]nebo sad je [A]posoljeni [E]zrakbra [C#]moje more razlivena t[F#m]intabrzato [D]pjevam da ne [A]pojede me[E] mrakbrjer da [C#]nisam ovo ja bi bio bi[F#m]ljkabrkome [D]biti zahvalan[E] grade [F#m]mojbrbrhttp://gibonni.hinet.hr ----------------- p If you wanna study emGibonni Posoljeni Zrak I Razlivena Tinta/em guitar chords, you should to understand the 5 major chords, C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. The reason we use all major chords is that the minor versions of any of these chords only require tiny adjustments. Every of those minor chords is entirely based on its major counterpart. /p p Fyi, you can also search for another musical genres, including jazz guitar chords, country music guitar chords, pop guitar chords, world music guitar chords, and rock guitar chords here. Looking for another guitar chords? Simple .. just use search button in this web, you may search it by song title or by the artist. Have Fun! /p

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